Business Rescue

Business Rescue has become a very successful and expedient way of placing a distressed company under temporary supervision, and thereafter, restructuring its affairs.  Pierre Berrangé and Eugene Nel are registered with CIPC as Senior Business Rescue Practitioners.

Business Rescue requires expertise in both the legal and accounting fields. Although a legal firm, we have immediate access to a number of chartered accountants and financial experts to assist with the process.  With the assistance of the powerful Business Rescue provisions of the Companies Act, we believe that we can add tremendous value to a struggling business which requires supervision to achieve a turnaround.

The firm conducts Independent Business Reviews, often at the request of the principal lender and funders of distressed businesses.  The independence of our team and its expertise in the legal and accounting spheres combined with our experience of more than 30 years ensures the best solutions, whatever the situation.  The team will recommend solutions which are both workable, achievable and in the best interests of all stakeholders.

The firm’s recent assignments include a wide range of businesses, including (but not limited to) :

  • Property Development
  • Agriculture
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Coatings / paint
  • Retail
  • Textile
  • Milling
  • Forestry
  • Garment Manufacturing
  • Hospitality
  • Logistics

Meet the team 

Name QualificationsWork Experience
Pierre BerrangéSenior Business Rescue Practitioner

Qualified Attorney
Director - Berrangé Incorporated
Eugene NelSenior Business Rescue Practitioner

Qualified Attorney
Director - Berrangé Incorporated
Naven MoodleyQualified AttorneyDirector - Berrangé Incorporated
Alison Mary DaviesB.Comm (Higher Diploma in Tax)

Advanced Business Rescue Course
Alison's commercial background, coupled with her thorough knowledge of tax structures has proved invaluable in guiding companies through the business rescue process and effecting corporate turnarounds.
Elize TheunissenBA (Hons); LLB

Advanced Business Rescue Course
Elize, through her wide experience in law and commerce, has become  a valuable contribution to legal and commercial decisions to be taken to ensure that Companies are successfully turned around.
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